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MA Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law


The Interinstitutional MA Program Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law is being offered by the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Hellenic Pasteur Institute with the support of the NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory, The Animals and Society Institute (ASI) and the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy which is a part of the The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). It was established in 2020 and operates under the Government Gazzete 679/03.03.2020 decision of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

The proposal for the establishment of the MA Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law was submitted by the NKUA Applied Philsoophy Research Laboratory to the Human-Animal Studies (HAS) International Development Program, and was awarded the first prize.

The MA Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law has been accredited by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE).